Source code for plot_utils

import numpy as np

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm

import chippr
from chippr import defaults as d

# cmap = np.linspace(0., 1., d.plot_colors)
# colors = [cm.viridis(i) for i in cmap]
colors = np.array([(213, 94, 0), (0, 158, 115), (0, 114, 178), (86, 180, 233), (230, 159, 0), (204, 121, 167), (240, 228, 66)])/256.
# ['Vermilion', 'Bluish green', 'Blue', 'Sky blue', 'Orange', 'Reddish purple', 'Yellow']

[docs]def set_up_plot(): """ Sets up plots to look decent """ title = 18 label = 16 mpl.rcParams['mathtext.rm'] = 'serif' plt.rcParams['mathtext.fontset'] = "dejavuserif" mpl.rcParams[''] = 'serif' mpl.rcParams['font.serif'] = 'Times New Roman' mpl.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True mpl.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = title mpl.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = label mpl.pyplot.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = label mpl.pyplot.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = label mpl.rcParams['figure.subplot.left'] = 0.2 mpl.rcParams['figure.subplot.right'] = 0.9 mpl.rcParams['figure.subplot.bottom'] = 0.2 mpl.rcParams[''] = 0.9 mpl.rcParams['figure.subplot.wspace'] = 0.5 mpl.rcParams['figure.subplot.hspace'] = 0.5 return
[docs]def plot_step(sub_plot, bin_ends, to_plot, s='--', c='k', a=1, w=1, d=[(0,(1,0.0001))], l=None, r=False): """ Plots a step function Parameters ---------- sub_plot: matplotlib.pyplot subplot object subplot into which step function is drawn bin_ends: list or ndarray list or array of endpoints of bins to_plot: list or ndarray list or array of values within each bin s: string, optional matplotlib.pyplot linestyle c: string, optional matplotlib.pyplot color a: int or float, [0., 1.], optional matplotlib.pyplot alpha (transparency) w: int or float, optional matplotlib.pyplot linewidth d: list of tuple, optional matplotlib.pyplot dash style, of form [(start_point, (points_on, points_off, ...))] l: string, optional label for function r: boolean, optional True for rasterized, False for vectorized Notes ----- Make this not need a subplot """ plot_h(sub_plot, bin_ends, to_plot, s, c, a, w, d, l, r) plot_v(sub_plot, bin_ends, to_plot, s, c, a, w, d, r) return
[docs]def plot_h(sub_plot, bin_ends, to_plot, s='--', c='k', a=1, w=1, d=[(0,(1,0.0001))], l=None, r=False): """ Helper function to plot horizontal lines of a step function Parameters ---------- sub_plot: matplotlib.pyplot subplot object subplot into which step function is drawn bin_ends: list or ndarray list or array of endpoints of bins to_plot: list or ndarray list or array of values within each bin s: string, optional matplotlib.pyplot linestyle c: string, optional matplotlib.pyplot color a: int or float, [0., 1.], optional matplotlib.pyplot alpha (transparency) w: int or float, optional matplotlib.pyplot linewidth d: list of tuple, optional matplotlib.pyplot dash style, of form [(start_point, (points_on, points_off, ...))] l: string, optional label for function r: boolean, optional True for rasterized, False for vectorized """ sub_plot.hlines(to_plot, bin_ends[:-1], bin_ends[1:], linewidth=w, linestyle=s, dashes=d, color=c, alpha=a, label=l, rasterized=r) return
[docs]def plot_v(sub_plot, bin_ends, to_plot, s='--', c='k', a=1, w=1, d=[(0,(1,0.0001))], r=False): """ Helper function to plot vertical lines of a step function Parameters ---------- sub_plot: matplotlib.pyplot subplot object subplot into which step function is drawn bin_ends: list or ndarray list or array of endpoints of bins to_plot: list or ndarray list or array of values within each bin s: string, optional matplotlib.pyplot linestyle c: string, optional matplotlib.pyplot color a: int or float, [0., 1.], optional matplotlib.pyplot alpha (transparency) w: int or float, optional matplotlib.pyplot linewidth d: list of tuple, optional matplotlib.pyplot dash style, of form [(start_point, (points_on, points_off, ...))] r: boolean, optional True for rasterized, False for vectorized """ sub_plot.vlines(bin_ends[1:-1], to_plot[:-1], to_plot[1:], linewidth=w, linestyle=s, dashes=d, color=c, alpha=a, rasterized=r) return